Montessori’s View on Pretend Play, Imaginative Play, and Creativity | Ruang Guru

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Montessori educators discourage children from engaging successful imagination play, eschewing it alternatively for play based successful reality. It recognizes, however, that imagination is simply a captious portion of a child’s expertise to study and turn arsenic good arsenic being a instauration for quality creativity.

Many parents and group cringe erstwhile they’re first exposed to nan Montessori accuracy because imagination and puerility are truthful intertwined successful our culture. However, this guidance usually changes erstwhile nan existent accuracy is explained by a passionate practitioner. Keep reference for a amended knowing of this absorbing school paradigm.

So What are Montessori‘s Views connected Pretend Play?

Many group deliberation Montessori acquisition discourages dress play and imagination, but this is somewhat of a misunderstanding. Montessori practitioners discourage nan preamble of imagination (think unicorns aliases dress room play sets) pinch very young children because of their inability to separate fantasy from reality.

Younger children are often much fascinated pinch what they observe successful nan existent world, truthful a Montessori preschool situation will springiness a toddler a real, appropriately sized broom and dustpan to thatch them really to cleanable up a mess, alternatively than a dress set.

Another awesome illustration is having a functional kitchen alternatively of a dress play kitchen.

These practices alteration by developmental plane, a little summary of which is listed successful nan array below.

Developmental PlaneBrief Description
1st (Toddler-6 yrs.)Child’s mind is absorbent, fresh to learn, beardown desire to beryllium physically independent
2nd (6 yrs.-12 yrs.)Child is moving towards intelligence independence, fresh to commencement knowing much absurd concepts
3rd (12 yrs.-18 yrs.)Adolescent originates to understand their spot successful nan world and to return much power complete their life
4th (18 yrs.-24 yrs.)Adult fresh to move connected and return complaint of their ain life, developed a life-long emotion for learning

In each of these planes, nan kid is encouraged to nonstop their ain find of nan world and their spot successful it, and to create applicable skills and knowledge. As nan kid gets older and is amended capable to separate reality from fantasy, toys, books, and games that onshore much solidly successful nan imagination campy tin beryllium made available.

Montessori does not discourage playing pretend. She understand that dress play is simply a important constituent of processing a child’s imagination, nan halfway of their creativity. However, dress play should impact things that are grounded successful reality.

Montessori‘s Views connected Fantasy Play

For very young children, location isn’t an inborn expertise to separate imagination from reality. For this reason, Montessorians mostly discourage imagination stories, shows, and play. The pursuing things are examples of what mightiness beryllium discouraged for young children successful nan first developmental stage:

  • Stories pinch talking animals
  • Movies aliases TV shows pinch superheroes
  • Toys that move aliases enactment connected their own
  • Fantasy-based stuffed animals (like unicorns)

The method afloat acknowledges that young children’s imaginations are extraordinarily active, and they’re not trying to suppress it astatine all. On nan contrary, nan existent world is truthful marque caller to young children that it’s conscionable arsenic awesome arsenic galore fictional stories.

Fantasy is little discouraged arsenic children age. In nan Montessori acquisition model, erstwhile children are successful nan 2nd developmental level they’re overmuch much tin of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truthful fictional books aren’t needfully discouraged. However, practitioners do judge successful presenting children plentifulness of options for real-world learning and play arsenic well.

As children get older, Montessori advocated nan usage of stories to exemplify nan existent world, though these stories are grounded successful reality. These stories are called The Five Great Lessons, and they’ll beryllium covered successful much item later.

Learning Through each nan Senses

Another important constituent is encouraging learning and exploration of nan real-world done each nan senses, not conscionable done show and sound (which are traditionally nan astir catered-to senses successful different acquisition models). Children are encouraged to research nature, play and study successful nan schoolroom done touch, taste, and smell arsenic well.

Therefore, immoderate of nan champion toys for parents wanting to usage nan Montessori method are those made from earthy materials that promote kids to manipulate them by manus and prosecute aggregate senses.

Montessori classrooms are group up to promote predominant activity and exploration arsenic well. At first, they whitethorn look chaotic, but yet an perceiver realizes that location is an bid to nan chaos arsenic children move freely astir nan room to research and ore connected what fascinates them.

Montessori and a Kid’s Imagination

The Montessori attack has built into it a child’s imagination successful a system way. Montessori recognized that children interact pinch nan world and enactment retired what they spot adults doing done nan usage of their imagination, and that a patient imagination is nan spot of productivity and intelligence.

Therefore, effective educational, and parenting techniques, encourage nan usage of a child’s imagination successful reality-based play and exploration. At very young ages, children’s play is very imaginative, arsenic they transportation retired dress scenarios and interactions that they spot nan adults successful their lives do.

Dr. Montessori’s Five Great Lessons

In nan 2nd level of development, Dr. Montessori realized that children were fresh to commencement knowing larger, but still very real, concepts astir nan world astir them. To that end, she developed her “Five Great Lessons” to present children to nan concepts of nan world and nan cosmos. These 5 lessons are:

Lesson NumberNameDescription
1st Great LessonComing of nan Earth and UniverseDescribes nan statement of nan Earth and nan mysteries of nan cosmos
2nd Great LessonComing of LifeIntroduction to biology and nan study of life
3rd Great LessonHumans Come to EarthStudy of quality improvement and history
4th Great LessonCommunication and WritingIntroduction to history, mythology, and communication
5th Great LessonNumbersIntroduction to mathematics and numbers

Because of nan huge, absurd concepts each of these lessons introduces, an engaged and progressive imagination is basal arsenic students statesman to grapple pinch these questions and theories. It is particularly important because these lessons each effort to exemplify really everything connected Earth and successful nan beingness is yet interconnected.

Imagination and Its Role successful Development

At its core, nan Montessori attack is intended to thief children create a life-long emotion of learning. Too often, a much accepted public-school mounting has kids memorize agelong lists of dates, facts, and information for tests, only for them to beryllium forgotten arsenic soon arsenic nan trial connected them is over. Montessori educations are designed to thief them study astir what they love.

Because of nan strong nexus betwixt imagination and intelligence, location is nary logic why Montessori schools would discourage imaginative play. Indeed, Montessorians contend that children create their imagination champion done hands-on experiences pinch things recovered successful nan existent world.

Using Imagination to Understand nan World

Montessori models stress nan usage of imagination to thief children understand nan world astir them, but imagination that’s grounded successful reality. Consider trying to explicate really a level useful to a young child, who mightiness beryllium capable to spot a level successful nan entity but doesn’t understand nan science.

A Montessori pedagogue mightiness thief a kid understand nan conception done things that are a small simpler to understand, for illustration utilizing a insubstantial airplane to exemplify nan conception of thrust aliases lift. Helping a kid return an image and use it to different concepts helps them to create actual understandings of absurd aliases analyzable problems aliases parts of nan world.

Creativity’s Role successful nan Montessori Paradigm

Closely related to imagination is simply a child’s expertise to beryllium creative. Imagination allows a kid to travel up pinch alternate ways to understand nan world astir them, and to visualize caller ways to lick problems, truthful it logically follows that an imaginative kid will beryllium imaginative arsenic well.

When kids participate nan 2nd developmental plane, their imagination is prepared to thief them understand absurd aliases precocious concepts that they couldn’t acquisition arsenic a younger child. Since children astatine nan property of 6 are amended prepared to understand these precocious concepts, mostly owed to their well-developed imagination, they’re fresh for nan Montessori awesome lessons.

These awesome lessons person already been described, but it’s useful to explicate nan domiciled that productivity and imagination have. A patient consciousness of productivity allows children to use real-world experiences to absurd concepts much effectively than if they’re confused by years of vulnerability to fantasy.

In nan words of Dr. Montessori, successful bid to ray a occurrence of excitement for learning, nan instruction must touch their imagination. Since a Montessori acquisition is intended to create a life-long emotion of learning successful children, it’s basal to get them excited to learn. This is done done imagination and productivity successful nan Montessori model.

Creativity and Self-Direction

Since kids are mostly responsible for choosing nan guidance of their ain improvement (within wide boundaries group by their teacher), they must beryllium successful touch pinch their imaginative sides. This productivity allows them to deliberation astir things successful caller ways, travel up pinch caller approaches to problems, and to deliberation extracurricular nan box.

Creativity helps children ideate what could perchance beryllium truthful they really go willing successful what they’re learning. A Montessorian would opportunity that schools that thatch successful a much accepted measurement stifle a child’s productivity because they support them each successful nan aforesaid mini container of instruction. There isn’t immoderate room for a kid to research things that liking them.

Creativity successful a Traditional School Setting

In a generic public-school setting, location isn’t overmuch opportunity for a kid to beryllium imaginative extracurricular of a fewer elective subjects, for illustration art (and moreover then, projects are assigned to each children and they person small expertise to take their ain directions). There’s a group instruction scheme and moreover a group measurement to get astatine nan answer, and children aren’t capable to research astatine their ain pace.

According to a recent Gallup study, children who were placed successful classrooms that encouraged productivity and utilized exertion to thief facilitate that productivity scored higher connected 5 cognitive abilities than kids who were successful environments that didn’t promote creativity. These abilities were:

  • Engaging successful problem-solving
  • Demonstrating captious thinking
  • Retaining what they person learned
  • Making connections betwixt different subjects
  • Having heavy learning of taxable matter

Clearly Montessorians are connected to thing pinch their accent connected creativity; imaginative kids are capable to amended show captious reasoning and grounds problem-solving behaviors than little imaginative kids, and shape connections betwixt topics that leads to amended learning and worldly retention.

Aligned Toys, Games, and Books

So, if you can’t bargain plush artifact monsters aliases get imagination books for your children, what sorts of toys and games are approved by nan Montessori method? There are plentifulness of buying guides online, but a wide group of guidelines are:

  • Based successful reality: Books for toddlers should beryllium astir situations that beryllium successful nan existent world to beforehand a patient expertise to abstracted imagination from reality
  • Made from natural materials: Ideally toys should person a multitude of different textures from existent materials, for illustration wood, metal, and earthy fabrics, not plastic
  • Functional: Montessori toys should person a constituent to them, a actual point astir nan world that they thatch young children.
  • Toys are simple: they don’t person a batch of analyzable pieces. A puzzle pinch 3 shapes helps a kid study done mini bits of easy-to-understand information
  • Limited choices: toys that are overly complex, aliases a elemental overabundance of choices for toys, leads to kids emotion overwhelmed and frustrated.

Ever wonderment why kids will usually conscionable play pinch nan container a caller artifact came in? It whitethorn beryllium frustrating for nan parents who spent each that money connected nan caller toy, but it’s perfectly understandable. They are drawn to elemental toys that they tin study astir nan world with; for illustration a cardboard box.

Following you’ll find immoderate examples of awesome toys, games, and books disposable connected Amazon. If you travel nan guidelines supra and effort and find things that fresh wrong them for your child, you’ll beryllium helping them study astir their world and create their imagination and creativity.


Wooden Reading Blocks: A elemental artifact that teaches kids really to make a assortment of three-letter words, these blocks are made from wood, characteristic only a mates moving parts, and person constricted agleam colors to thief toddlers and young-uns study astir shapes and letters.

Carrot Size Sorting Puzzle: This artifact will thatch children really to benignant items based connected style and size arsenic they effort and get nan carrots backmost into nan correct slots. Made from wood and painted pinch a constricted assortment of water-based paints, this point is cleanable for a genitor trying to bargain Montessori-approved toys.

Toddler Sensory Busy Board: This board, while providing a assortment of hands-on activities and textures for a engaged toddler, will besides thief them study and maestro important skills for dressing. This committee includes belts, buttons, and zippers to thief young children create fine-motor skills that will fto them dress themselves.


Guess successful 10 Game: This crippled teaches kids astir nan world successful a nosy bid of questions. It’s based successful reality truthful they’re learning each astir animals while having fun.

MathDice Game: This elemental dice crippled will thief small ones research basal summation and subtraction.

Beads and Pattern Card Sets: This group of beads, thread, and shape cards will support small ones occupied for hours while school colors, three-dimensional shapes, and shape nickname skills.

Learning Cards Set: This group of learning cards helps thatch young children phonics and letters while utilizing pictures of real-world items, making it a coagulated point for immoderate Montessori parent.


Set of 5 Nature Books: These books thief present a assortment of bugs and things that are recovered successful quality successful a measurement that young kids will love.

My First Book of Feelings: Kids tin easy subordinate to stories astir different children, and this book helps them study astir their emotions successful a Montessori-approved way.

My First Book of Numbers: This book uses nosy illustrations of realistic things to thatch kids each astir numbers.

Shades of People: This book provides young children an early preamble to each nan different races and colors of group successful nan world.

Do-It-Yourself Game, Toy, and Activity Ideas

Of course, you don’t request to walk a ton of money connected games and toys disconnected nan net aliases a shop to springiness your kid fun, Montessori-aligned activities. Any activity that teaches done hands-on activities is simply a awesome measurement to bring your kid immoderate Montessori-based fun. Here are a fewer ideas:

  • Water-pouring: kids emotion pouring and transferring h2o from 1 instrumentality to another, truthful filling up respective different sized containers pinch h2o will thief them understand measurement arsenic good arsenic build good centrifugal skills.
  • Washing activities: filling a bin pinch soapy h2o and giving a kid a assortment of toys to lavation gives them different textures arsenic good arsenic school them real-life skills.
  • Fill a mini tray pinch ornamental rocks to thief small ones study really to constitute letters and numbers.
  • Use Velcro and a portion of felt to create sorting games pinch realistic pictures for small ones to sort; i.e. vegetables vs. fruits, surviving vs. non-living things, etc.
  • Kids are people drawn to museums and zoos wherever they tin spot actual illustration of history and real-life animals. Both places are group up for fantabulous acquisition experiences.

See also: Montessori Activities for Every Age

Further Reading

There are a number of fantabulous books designed to springiness parents an thought of nan Montessori method, arsenic good arsenic springiness them actual ways to incorporated it into their parenting techniques. A speedy hunt connected Google will return a immense array of options for nan funny parent, but present are a fewer of nan best-reviewed books connected nan Montessori method for parents:

  • The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies – $10-$20
  • Montessori: The Science Behind nan Genius by Angeline Stoll Lillard – $10-$19
  • Montessori From nan Start by Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen – $10-$15

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